Thursday, 11 September 2008

Electric Bikes and Traffic in China

I own a very fast e-bike. It travels at 30ish k/h at top speed passing the average e-bikes speed of 20k/h and a normal push bike's speed of 15ish k/h. This ebike lasts around 1-2 hours depending on traffic and the route taken. Much like a normal car a smooth ride will conserve power. One of the biggest drawbacks is that the battery needs to be recharged often and is VERY heavy (maybe 15ish kg), so every 2-3 days i need to carry this bloody great thing up to my 3rd floored apartment and wait for 4+ hrs for the thing to recharge. I payed RMB1600 for a new e-bike but subsequently swapped it for my girlfriends super-fast/yet old e-bike (she got it cheap off her friend for RMB400).

Any other transportation options?
Is the e-bike dangerous? yes. BUT! Is the bus dangerous? yes. Well often people get aggressive when lining up or standing on the bus and will start mini-fist fights or shouting matches. Also the roundabout route system and an lacking timetable is dangerous to your metal health. It may cost RMB1-3 but the e-bike is FREE. Further despite constantly playing a loop announcing "watch out for safty" these bus drivers have no real interest in saftey and range from the very reckless to the very crazy. Alternatively the taxi opinion is relatively cheapish (RMB11-30) and more direct and fast than either the bus or the e-bike, but during peak traffic walking may be a faster option, plus on weekends in busy places or at 4-5pm you will find it extremely difficult to find a available cab. Plus these bastards like to take you on little tours of the city to ramp up the end fee.

E-bike in full flight
Its great because you fly around the city weaving in and out of cars, passing bemused chinese e-bikers, and after 7 months only once did my girlfriend have her battery stolen (was in a carelessly parked area) so its safe as long as you stick to your lock. It is by far my most favourite mode of transport and ive only had very minor accidents (and i've driven lateforwork/angry/drunk etc) all resulting in me being 100% unharmed and the other person falling over, I think because my bike is heavy, i am heavy, so when minor crashes happen i have nothing to worry about. And dont dream of wearing a helmet, when i got my bike the mall lady claimed that their superstore had not a single helmet for sale, ripper.

Problems on the road
1) Ear bleeding breaks: other ebikes rides often have breaks which when sounded could make babies cry, paint strip and drive a man to drink. Its really horrible and often these individuals are kind enough to wear earplugs/music-earphone to shield them from their own ugly showcase. Now i recently went to a bike place to have my breaks fixed (starting to sweak and ceasing to work well) but instead of just adjusting/fixing the break i was told i would need entirely new breakx, RMB80 and 1 hour later i had new ones, so maybe i PARTLY understand why some chinese continue to release their hellish siren, but come-on RMB80 for safety and sanity?

2) Idiot riders: usually in the form of people driving e-bikes or normal bikes next to each other whilst talking. At this stage they dedicate zero attention to the road or their countless fellow riders who are forced into a deadly bottle neck, or honk them to the side of the road as they seem to sway and drive anywhere but straight. I'd like to add here that ive been converted from someone who thinks the horn is an instrument of the rude to an essential tool of daily life in china.

3) Idiot cars: the law of the jungle really prevails on the road, so vehicles up the food chain (cars) will only stop to avoid killing a large group of cyclists, or to avoid crushing altogether. Otherwise the cars are slow, selfish and stupid animals. My favourite is when they decide to try the bike lane out during heavy traffic and surprising get stuck and in the process trap a stream of angry bikers who cannot get passed. Parking in the bike lane is also popular, making one of the very fun trips onto the real road possible. Also when turning at the lights the cars create a solid line and shield the bikes from passing (don't worry the bikers get their revenge with the same tactic).
So in closing china's road are in a state of near anarchy but the E-bike is fun and effective.

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